Top Eco Houses
that Inspire Clean Living

At Renov8, we're always on the lookout for green building trends that are able to lessen their inhabitants' carbon footprint in some way. The unfortunate truth is that, collectively, the human race has done enormous amounts of irreversible damage to our planet. It's up to us to do whatever we can to foster a lifestyle that aims to nurture eco-friendliness in every possible way. Green building principles lead to the development and construction of some amazing eco-friendly houses. We've rounded up a few of our favourite green homes from around the web

Zero House

This prefab building is perfectly self-sufficient. Solar panels collect power that is stored in batteries to be used as and when necessary. The house is able to collect its own water and also has turns natural waste into compost. What makes it even more remarkable is that these functions, and others, can be controlled directy from your computer.  It is, without a doubt, the eco house of the future.

The Orchid House

The Orchid House is probably one of the most expensive eco houses on the planet, and it's easy to see why. There is something absolutely breathtaking about this building. What's most remarkable about Orchid House is the geothermal heating underground pump that is creates more energy than the customary power consumed by a household.

Waste House

The organizer of Waste House has the following clear, powerful mantra: "There is no such thing as waste, just stuff in the wrong place." This amazing building is made from recycled waste and showcases 20,000 toothbrushes, 4,000 DVD cases, 2,000 floppy discs, and 2,000 used carpet tiles, used to clad the home's facade alone.

Elegant, Artistic Reception Area

This particular eco building reminds us of the treehouse we wished we had as children. The carefully planned design sits on 8 steel pillars amongst a miniature forest of council protected trees. The architects behind this gorgeous home have featured a 30ft eucalyptus tree as a part of the deck to avoid any unnecessary disruption.

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